My husband had an early shift at the hospital today. He was supposed to get up about about 5:15 in order to get ready for his shift. Lucky for him I woke up at about 6:20 a.m. and realized that he hadn’t gotten up yet!
As I was waking him up I realized that I was in horrible pain. The lower right side of my abdomen was just killing me. The was, and still is, similar to what I think a cross between appendicitis and a kidney stone feels like. Still … Chris had to get ready for work so as he went off to take a shower and shave I got his breakfast ready for him.
Aren’t I good wifey? In total pain and still taking care of my man. Uh huh – just a typical woman probably.
Chris went off to work and I settled on the couch with the puppy. Poor Midnight ended up spending more time in her crate today than out though since my pain continued all day. Lucky for me it did get a little bit better, but I had fevers at least four times so far today.
I spent most of the day on the couch watching TV, and surfing on the computer, browsing through a furniture catalog to get ideas for some posts on one of my other sites and trying on and off to sleep.
So I think I only had three hours sleep last night and so far only 10 minutes sleep during the day at about 3:30 – just before Chris came back home from work.
It’s a good thing I got up early for Chris sake, but bad for mine … I’d much rather have spent my day sleeping rather than in horrible pain.
Man I hate having Crohns.