I don’t know if you do this, but whenever Chris and I go shopping we always try to find the best deal. Especially if it’s a costly item. Whether you’re living from paycheck to paycheck or have a fat savings account it just makes sense to make your money go as far as it can, doesn’t it?
I have to admit that most of the purchases that my husband and I make are in grocery stores, pet stores and retail stores. We have increased our online shopping over the last couple of years, but the majority of our spending is done in person.
One of the reasons that we’ve started to increase our online shopping is because it’s convenient. Heck, I can shop in my PJ’s at 1 a.m. if I want! I suppose I could head out to the local 24 hour Walmart and do the same, but I think I’d end up more than a little embarrassed.
Other than convenience, I like shopping online because I can often find better prices at online stores. Let’s face it, online stores don’t have the overhead that retail stores do so they can afford to offer items at lower prices.
Sounds good doesn’t it?
Now if you want to be a real Savvy shopper you should check out Dealighted.com. The site indexes deals posted by people on sites like slickdeals, fatwallet and several other popular deal sites. Once the posted deals are indexed the Dealighted engine goes through them and figures out which deals are hot.
So when you’ve decided to you want to shop for an item online you can simply go to Dealighted and type the item you’re interested in into the search box at the top of the page and the results page will listed the best deals for that item. No more searching through site after site to find the best prices. Dealighted.com does it all for you.
For example, if you wanted to shop for a new pair of shoes you’d type the term Shoes in the search box and the result page would bring up the current list of shoe deals. You could also narrow down your search by searching for a specific type or brand of product such as Nike Running Shoes.
Perhaps you’re interested in purchasing a new digital camera? The Canon EOS 400D is a great camera for someone that wants to step up their photography by starting out with an entry level digital SLR. Just click on compare prices and search through the directory for your camera or click on one of the handy icons near the top of each page that show some of the hottest items being searched for at Dealighted.com.
The icons to the top right of each page are for those interested in checking out camera, HDTV’s, iPods, Laptops and Camrecorders. If that’s what you’re interested in purchasing just click the icon of your choice and you’ll be able to quickly find the hottest deals!
I like the site because you can just visit the main page regularly to see what the newest hot deals are, so even if you don’t have a specific product in mind you can keep an eye out for great deals and perhaps find something that you or your family needs right on the front page.
Dealighted.com also has a daily freebie offers section. You can get to it simply by searching for Free or by clicking on the link Free Stuff that’s directly under the search box.
There’s hundreds of free items to browse through. Some of the listings are of the buy one get on free type and others are offers for one free product or a sample item.
Likewise if you’d prefer to shop for items and have them shipped free of charge you can do a search for free shipping and all the deals that also offer free shipping will come up on the results page. I’m sure you could narrow your search by typing in a product name and free shipping as well.
Actually there are many ways to search for great deals on items. You could click on a tag in the Deal Search Cloud, click on the Only Hot Deals button, look through the deal forum threads, search for deals by specific deal forums or use the search boxes. I love sites that let you navigate or search for what you want in several ways as I’m sure each visitor to the site will have their own particular preference.
It looks like Dealighted.com has their own forum as well. There aren’t very many messages there yet as it looks like it might have just opened up recently, but you could take a look there for deals or perhaps even post your own finds if you’d like to share.
I think anyone who shops online occasionally would be smart to bookmark this site and check it out the next time they’re searching for a great deal. It’s all about saving money.
Oh and if you do visit Dealighted.com be sure to check out their deals by email newsletter. You’ll never miss a great deal if you subscribe!
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