On Sunday our car broke down when we were on our way to Brantford. Well, the car was repaired in Brantford and Chris drove it back home earlier today after attending his cousins funeral.
You know how much the bill was? Almost $400! Geez … we can’t afford that right now.
We’ve got another $200 bill coming up sometime this month too as we’ve got to take Midnight in for a heartworm test and to get heartworm pills for her.
I also think I’ve got a cavity in one of my teeth so I’ll probably have to visit the dentist soon.
More bills. Arghhh!
Debt Debt And More Debt!! First The Gas, Now My Wife Needs To Have 3 Teeth Pulled and Partials Built $1800! AARGH
My boss and I were having this exact same conversation yesterday! Several years ago, every time you went to the mechanic, it cost $150. Now, it is almost expected, around here anyway, that every time you go, it is going to cost $400! My brakes started making noise yesterday, and I am just hoping I don’t run into the $400 fun you are having!
an old friend of mine once told me that we have a funny way of living up to (or down to, as the case may be) our means. get a little raise, spend a little more. gas prices go up, spend a little less. have a little extra, run into car trouble. just seemsto work out that way sometimes.
Sorry to hear that. But as we all know, after hard times, there always some good that comes. I’m sure something good will come soon.