Did you know that the two hour season premiere of Prison Break is on tv right now?
I’m sure some of my American friends are watching the Democratic Convention, even some of my Canadian friends too since it’s broadcast here as well … but I hope you’re taping the premiere!
We are. We’ll watch the show in a little while once we’re both done blogging and answering all of the email that’s piled up in our inboxes. Oh and after I’ve paid the bills! We have a big car insurance payment to make by the 30th of the month. God I hate bills … well, paying them!
Chris and I didn’t really watch the first season of Prison Break, but when the writers strike started last year and all there was on TV were reruns we began watching Prison Break since it was a show that we hadn’t seen before and we both got hooked.
I must admit that I’m looking forward to next week. A number of shows that we like to watch are starting up again on September 1st and 2nd and others will be starting a little later in the month. I’m happy to see that many of my favorite shows are starting up earlier than normal. Maybe it will be a nice long TV season considering last years was so short thanks to that writers strike.
Are you a fan of Prison Break? What shows are you looking forward to seeing when they start up again next month?
Oops! Uhm … as I said above I was taping the show and hadn’t started watching it. If I had … well .. I would have realized it was the two hour season finale from last season, not the premiere. (((Blush))) The season premiere is September 1st (I believe). Sorry if I had anyone madly searching the channels for the premiere!