The remnants of Hurricane Ike passed through Toronto yesterday evening and through the night and now that all of that weather has passed it’s quite cool here today. Brrrr
I guess it’s obvious that the cool weather we’ve been experiencing this month has got me thinking about Autumn and Winter. I want the warm weather to last a little longer, but it doesn’t look like it will. Perhaps instead of thinking of the cool weather I should be thinking about some of my favorite upcoming holidays? It certainly won’t be long before we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas!
Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite holidays. Most likely because it almost always means a big family get together.
When I was a kid we used to always go up to our cottage to celebrate Thanksgiving. Now that I think it about it does seem appropriate to celebrate Thanksgiving surrounded by beautiful natural scenery.
We’d always cook up a feast for Thanksgiving – Turkey, sometimes a ham, sometimes wild partridge, mashed potatoes, gravy, and lots of vegetables such as peas, glazed carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, cranberry jelly and of course, my favorite, Pumpkin pie!
The large table that sat at least 14 people would always have hand crafted Thanksgiving ornaments and of course beautiful Thanksgiving flowers in the center.
All this reminiscing is making me long for Thanksgiving … but oh … won’t that mean we’ll really be into the cool weather by then? Ha, I can’t have it both ways, can I? Perhaps this year I’ll hold a big family Thanksgiving get together.
Have you thought about your Thanksgiving plans yet?
I haven’t given much thought to it. I always seem to forget about Thanksgiving, until about the week before it happens. Usually my aunt has the few members of the family that still live in Toronto over and we just catch up with one another and have a great meal.
over here we don’t celebrate thanksgiving unfortunately. wouldn’t mind having an annual turkey get together. 🙂 but christmas is just right around the corner, i feel…
You’re lucky to have Thanksgiving to celebrate. Here in Britain, Halloween is frowned on.
It’s not too early to start thinking about Thanksgiving – especially if you have family that need to travel to get to you, or that you need to travel to.
And do you know anyone who is too far from family and may end up alone on Thanksgiving? Can you fit them in at your table?
It’s good to get these questions answered in the next few weeks so you know what needs to be done.
I’ve put together a planner I use to keep me on track – it’s not that I’m anal (no really!!) it’s more that I have a terrible memory and the more I can write down the more likely things are to be done!
I’ve decided to share it with everyone and it wil be on my website soon. You can send me a note if you want to reserve one.
Any excuse to get all the family together is a good thing. Shame we don’t have Thanksgiving in UK – it would be a great excuse and mmmm, not to mention great food!