I’m sure that most of my fellow Canadians are feeling more than a little full right now! Well I am anyway since today is Thanks Giving.
I think that I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago that we were supposed to have a big family get together, this year it would have been with my husbands family. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. My sister in law moved to a new house on Friday (a little earlier than planned) and being busy all weekend to complete the move kind of put a dent in the family get together. So this year Chris and I had Thanks Giving at home on our own.
This year I made Rosemary Honey Dijon Turkey breasts, accompanied by mashed potatoes, stuffing and sweet peas. In a little while we’ll have a slice of pumpkin pie … well if my stomach ever empties enough to make room for a piece of pie, that is!
The turkey was really easy to prepare. I used:
- 2 cloves garlic, cut in slivers
- Tiny sprigs fresh rosemary OR 1/2 tsp (2 mL) dried
- 3 tbsp (45 ml) honey
- 1 tbsp (15 mL) Dijon mustard
- 1 tbsp (15 mL) olive oil
- 1 tbsp (15 mL) lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp (2 mL) pepper
- 1/4 tsp (1 mL) salt
I mixed the honey, Dijon mustard, olive oil, lemon juice, pepper, salt, rosemary and slivered garlic in a bowl and then I drizzled the mixture onto two boneless turkey breasts that were about 350 grams each. I then baked the turkey breasts at 350 F covered for about 20 minutes, and then after basting them I cooked them uncovered for another 20 minutes.
Can you say … Tasty? Yum!
I usually roast my whole turkey or turkey breasts, however I couldn’t find my small roasting pan when I looked for it earlier today. I have no idea what happened to it .. maybe I lent it to someone and they didn’t return it.
I loved that small roasting pan. It was great for doing a whole small chicken or two large turkey breasts in the oven. I’m going to have to keep an eye out for a sale on Roasters. I’ll bet as the American Thanks Giving and or Christmas approaches I’ll find some deals online!
Can you tell I love turkey dinners? – that’s just another reason why I have to get another small roasting pan … we should have turkey more often.
Fellow Canadians – did you have a big Turkey dinner this weekend? Which day did you eat your big meal … or did you have more than one big meal? LOL
I’ll bet that my American readers and looking forward to celebrating Thanks Giving too. I know it’s one of your biggest holidays. I’d love to hear what you’re planning for your holiday celebration and what you plan to eat.
OH, Tricia…. I’m so full I can’t stand it! We had turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, Sunday glazed carrots, brussel. sprouts and cranberries. It was sooooooo good but I shouldn’t have eaten so much because we also had pumpkin pie for dessert. At least I didn’t have the whipped cream…. Why do I make myself so uncomfortably full?
the thought of a turkey dinner just makes my mouth water. :O
I am going to try your mouth watering turkey .Thanks
Having shared thanksgiving with friends in Winnipeg one year I am always envious when reminded of those thanksgiving celebrations. For us here in the UK we don’t really have an equivalent holiday. My mouth is also watering at the thought of that lovely turkey dinner –
Happy Thanksgiving, Tricia.
Happy turkey Day , we had ours last weekend and I spent yesterday at a local fair
That meal sounds sooo good. I can’t wait to celebrate. One more month for us!
Sigh, I’m so jealous.. it’s like you get 2 Christmases. We don’t get Thanksgiving here in Australia. Guess I’ll just have to wait til december… or start celebrating early 😉
Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds delicious..
Happy Thanksgiving Canada!
Boy, sometimes I can be ridiculously slow on the uptake…I’ve been seeing a handful of Happy Thanksgiving posts around the blogosphere, and had totally forgotten that you do Thanksgiving in October in Canada…
Well, a day or two belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Thanks for all of your Thanks Giving wishes. It sounds like you’re all turkey dinner lovers.
I’m glad I just cooked breasts this year. A whole turkey is too much for us and after a while it’s hard to think of new things to do with the meat. Turkey doesn’t taste good in a stir fry or salad – not to me anyway … but I do make homemade soup with left over turkey and the bones. That’s always good.
What do you guys do with your turkey leftovers – I mean other than soups and turkey sandwiches?
It sounds so yummy. I’ve been getting the turkey breasts that are marked down this sounds like a recipe i need to try.
Damn, I wish I had turkey out here in Malaysia… but alas, no turkey for me.
Your recipe sounds great though. Maybe I could make pumpkin pie here, cause that we DO have.
I was searching for a recipe for my chicken breasts, it should do it pretty nicely.