Wordless Wednesday
I’m not sure what kind of animal this little creature is, but it sure is cute! Oh and it’s so tiny! I wonder how big it will be when it’s full grown?
Anyone know what kind of creature this is?
Random Thoughts about life in general, living in the big city of Toronto
by Tricia
Looks like a bushbaby to me, but I`m no expert. It`s very cute!
Oh my!!!! Nice catch for wordless!!! Ihope you can get time to visit mine too… Happy WW!
I know but can’t call it up just now…too early :-/ Cute little fella…so long as he doesn’t bite!
Definitely Expat Mom is correct. That is a bushbaby, but is that you holding it? (it holding you…lol) I have not heard of them being pets before. Sure is cute though. By the way…nice manicure.
It is a sugar glider and it is fully grown. Also called flying squirrel. 🙂 My daughter is adopting one.
hi tricia! it’s a tarsier, it’s from the philippines and is now considered endangered.
Omg, she is so cute. I wouldn’t have anything against to have it wrapped around my finger 🙂
It does look like a bushbaby to me as well (definitely a pro-simian of some sort, if not).
I was reading my daughter’s book to her last night, in shich they show the picture of a lemur that grows no more than 2 inches from head to butt.
This one looks pretty similar.
Oh that is adorable! Happy WW!
I am not sure if it is a sugar glider or an endangered pygmy possum
here is a fully grown one…
it’s a tarsier. endangered specie from the Philippines.
It’s a tarsier, I think. Found in the province of Bohol, Philippines. It is an endangered class of an animal.
What a fun little character!
it is a tarsier! Nice pic… only found in the philippines..
I don’t know what that thing is, but I like it. If it were on my figure, I would probably freak out a little bit.
Aww that is so cute and precious! I’ve always wanted a sugar glider…Maybe one day one of my kids would like one as a pet.
awww, that’s so cute. i wonder how much these things cost?
Hi there!!! I know this was posted a long time ago but I want to agree with David Leonhardt. It is a Mouse Lemur, not sure which type as there are 8 different species and they are endangered.