I’ve been busy trying to think up ways to increase my income by blogging or through other websites I own. Once we got our puppy at the end of November I kind of slacked off on my efforts to increase my online income and it’s really put a big dent in my savings account. One of the reasons I slacked off was because our puppy turned out to be quite sick and also being a puppy she took up a heck of a lot of my time!
Now that’s she’s older and a tiny bit calmer (and almost 100% healthy) I’ve been trying to increase my blog earnings again. I made a few changes to my Adsense placements on the majority of my sites a month ago and amazingly I’ve more than doubled my total Adsense income. Now it’s nothing to jump up and down about just yet, but doubling my Adsense income pays half my mortgage so it’s a significant increase. I learned a few tricks by reading Adsense Secrets – you can see the link to the site in my sidebar if you’re interested.
I’ve also been trying out some affiliate programs. I told you last month that I was trying Chitika again after a more than year long break. Well so far so good. I think I’ll tweak my ad placements as I think that will help, but I’m happy with my earnings so far. Kontera is ok – not as good as it was when I first started with the program, but it’s still one of my top earners.
I added Widgetbucks to my site again last week (again) and if things don’t improve I’ll be removing the code at the end of the month along with the shopping.com ads. They are mostly just taking up space and slowing my site down.
I’d love to hear what programs work well for you, especially if you have a general – home and garden type blog or website. As I said at the beginning of this post I’m looking for more ways to earn money through my sites. There are so many things to try that it’s mind boggling at times isn’t it? Of course, what works well for one site doesn’t always work well for another either so that adds to the confusion! However if you guys have any tips as to what works for you I’d love to hear about it. I’ve got bills to pay! 😉