Holy smokes! We’re having one of the worst thunderstorms that I can remember in recent years!
About 15 minutes ago we noticed that there was quite a bit of lightening outside. Unfortunately that’s when our Lab pup decided to ring the bell we have on our door to let us know she had to go outside to pee.
Since the storm was just starting I took her out, but it was kind of frightening. There was constant lightening and the thunder was only a few seconds apart which meant the storm was right above us.
Chris came outside too because we had a barbecue earlier in the evening and he had to close up the bbq.
Of course Midnight dawdled and we all ended up being soaked. She didn’t seem frightened of the brightly light sky or the thunder though – that’s a good thing.
Now that we’re inside the lightening and thunder is even worse. Midnights a little bit nervous now but we have the TV on and that’s dampening the sound of the storm a bit. As luck would have it she wants to go back outside. I’m not sure if she really has to relieve herself or if she just wants to see what’s going on outside – either way, we aren’t going back out there until the storm settles.
I just checked theweathernetwork.com and we’re under sever thunderstorm watches and tornadoes are even possible to the east of us.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we lose power! If we do I hope it’s not out for too long.
I just knew I should have taken pictures earlier today of all my roses that are blooming in my garden. I bet they’ll be destroyed by this storm!
Wish us luck!