I’m so happy that Thursday night TV is back! There are so many great shows on Thursday nights now that I have to tape several of them and watch them on Friday or Saturday.
Actually taping the shows on the DVR is a great idea now that we have a puppy. For some reason during the evening she always wants to go out about every half hour or else she’s jumping around playing with her toys, dropping her toy bones on the hardwood floor and just plain making a lot of noise. It makes watching TV a bit of a drag, especially when it’s a favorite show as it can take a long time to watch with all those distractions! If we didn’t tape the shows we’d only ever get to see half of each program.
I’m watching Lost right now. The scene with Hurley in the hospital …. so do you think the Oceanic 6 really are dead or what?
What are your favorite Thursday night shows?