Wordless Wednesday
Yeesh! Get that guy a comb!
If you happen to be driving to Florida for Spring break check out this great deal – $1 One-Way Rentals to Florida with Dollar Rent A Car!
Random Thoughts about life in general, living in the big city of Toronto
by Tricia
by Tricia
My husband had an early shift at the hospital today. He was supposed to get up about about 5:15 in order to get ready for his shift. Lucky for him I woke up at about 6:20 a.m. and realized that he hadn’t gotten up yet!
As I was waking him up I realized that I was in horrible pain. The lower right side of my abdomen was just killing me. The was, and still is, similar to what I think a cross between appendicitis and a kidney stone feels like. Still … Chris had to get ready for work so as he went off to take a shower and shave I got his breakfast ready for him.
Aren’t I good wifey? In total pain and still taking care of my man. Uh huh – just a typical woman probably.
Chris went off to work and I settled on the couch with the puppy. Poor Midnight ended up spending more time in her crate today than out though since my pain continued all day. Lucky for me it did get a little bit better, but I had fevers at least four times so far today.
I spent most of the day on the couch watching TV, and surfing on the computer, browsing through a furniture catalog to get ideas for some posts on one of my other sites and trying on and off to sleep.
So I think I only had three hours sleep last night and so far only 10 minutes sleep during the day at about 3:30 – just before Chris came back home from work.
It’s a good thing I got up early for Chris sake, but bad for mine … I’d much rather have spent my day sleeping rather than in horrible pain.
Man I hate having Crohns.
by Tricia
Holy crap! Literally!
You have to see this news video about a woman who sat on a toilet in a small trailer for two years. She has agoraphobia and was afraid to come out.
I know some bathrooms are really tiny, I’ve got a small one myself, but this woman must not have ever stood up during that two year period as her leg muscles atrophied and her skin grew around the toilet forcing rescue workers, when they were finally called, to have to take her out with the toilet attached to her.
Isn’t that the strangest thing you’ve heard all week … perhaps even all year!
Hey, check out this sale! – $20 Off When You Spend Over $100 at eBags.com
by Tricia
Oh my gosh. I think after this I’m going to turn off my laptop and not turn it back on again until sometime tomorrow.
I’ve done something like 22 or 24 posts today on many of my blogs and my fingers are about ready to fall off. My wrists too!
I’ve been in the kitchen for the last 45 minutes to an hour getting our late dinner ready. I made homemade spaghetti sauce and of course spaghetti. The sauce needs just a little longer to blend and then we’ll sit down for a very late meal.
It’s a good thing Chris has tomorrow off since he’s going to be up later than normal thanks to me being behind on dinner.
I’m just starving too!
So much for updating the WP version on all the Feverishthoughts blogs today huh? Tomorrow …
I have a fantastic post coming up for you. I’ll be auto-publishing it at 6 a.m. Try to remember to come back as it will be worth it. It’s something totally unbelievable!
Ok. I’m slowly backing away from the computer now …
by Tricia
I haven’t made any secret of the fact that I’m looking forward to spring more than ever this year. It’s been a long cold and snowy winter and I’m more than ready for it to end.
Over on my gardening blog I was just talking about which flowers and plants I expect to see emerge from the snow and ground first. Of course the crocus’ will likely come first. I think they’ve been the first to emerge just about every year that I’ve had a garden.
The muscari (grape hyacinth), hyacinths, hellebores and iris’ will quickly follow and before I know it my garden will be full of life again. Oh and I’ll have a heck of a lot of work to do to keep it looking nice too!
One of my favorite spring flowers are the hyacinths. I just love these coral ones. I must get more of those this fall.
Each year as the snow begins to disappear and my garden begins to peek out from under the snow I look at in excitement to see which plants are actually growing even though the ground is still quite cold. Almost always I’ll see that my many strawberry plants are green and often I’ll note that the heuchera’s have not only emerged but are growing leaves too!
Do you have plants that seem to begin to grow while still under the snow? Which ones?
It’s Easter this weekend. If you don’t grow your own flowers why not send some to someone you love?
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information. GTS participants remember to check in at As the Garden Grows each week so that we’ll know you made a new post!