I was watching the news last night and I was shocked to hear about how a church in protesting about how the commercial real estate near it is being used.
Like most people living in large cities I’m starting to get more than a little frustrated by all the construction going on all the time. There are so many condo’s going up in downtown Toronto it’s crazy. In fact, our whole shoreline has changed from the time I moved here in the 80’s. You used to be able to see the lake as you drove along Lakeshore Boulevard, but they might as well change the name of the street now as there are so many condos along the waterfront that you can barely see the lake from the boulevard anymore.
Still, if someone owns a property and if the city approves of the construction the owner should be able to build what they planned to build shouldn’t they? This one church doesn’t think so. The commercial property owner has plans to build two condo’s on the properties near the church and the church is protesting at city hall.
I guess I’m divided on this issue. On one hand I feel that there’s been too many tall buildings built in the city – particularly along the lake shore, but then as I said if the city is allowing the construction to take place I guess the builders have a right to put up their buildings.
The problem really lies with City Hall. They need to limit the number of new buildings allowed in each area of the city. They also need to preserve some of the areas that enhance our city and or make it unique – like our water front.
If you live in a big city how do you feel about the commercial properties that have been built in the last decade or so? Do they add to your city? Were they needed? Or do you think the new buildings are destroying something that was special about your town?