It seems I spoke too soon. My pain is back with a vengeance.
It’s just after 4 a.m. and I’m lying on the couch in severe pain. Crohn’s disease sucks. There I said it. It sucks. I hate it. It seems like my whole life revolves around this stupid disease. I can’t plan for next week or next month or even for tomorrow for that matter because I never know if I’m going to be feeling well enough to do anything.
Yesterday was the first day in more than a week that I felt ok. Ok doesn’t mean I feel well. It means I feel well enough to get some things done, go for a walk, do some shopping, get some house work done etc.
I’m certain that I had a bowel obstruction over the weekend. It resolved over night and I awoke on Monday feeling a lot better. As a result I probably ended up doing too much yesterday.
Chris was home since Monday is his normal day off, but it also happened to be a holiday here in Ontario – Family day. It didn’t feel like a holiday weekend though … it just felt normal since as I said, Chris usually has Mondays off work.
Since Chris was home he did the dishes and started my day by grooming the puppy. She’s started shedding again in the past week or so and she’s shedding a lot! I sat on the kitchen floor brushing the puppy’s coat with the zoom brush and collected about three cups of hair! The floor was covered with hair and sweeping just wasn’t doing the job so I ended up vacuuming the whole house, the dogs two doggy beds and yes folks I even took the vacuum to the dog. Luckily she didn’t mind – she likes the vacuum.
The rest of my day was spent spending some time with Chris and our puppy, working on the computer on some of my sites and making dinner (baked chicken breast, steamed veggies and a fresh salad – most of that not being so hot for someone with Crohns – oh well!). I haven’t gotten much done on my active sites or the new sites for quite a while because I’ve been feeling so awful. The email is also piling up. I’ve got quite a few sites to add to the blogrolls that I run and several saved emails waiting for replies. I just can’t keep up with it all these days it seems.
By 10 pm my abdominal pain was coming back and my left knee was aching too. It seems the Crohn’s is going to my joints – or else it’s the weather, I haven’t figured that one out yet.
The pain has gradually gotten worse as the night progresses. My pain meds are doing absolutely nothing to touch the pain. If it keeps getting worse I’ll probably end up going to Emerg this time.
This totally sucks. I think I need new intestines … is there a market for that???