I swear that my Labrador Retriever, Midnight, believes in the Food Fairy.
Oh sure she knows where food comes from … you know, the top of the fridge (dog cookies), the fridge, the dog food bin under the table, the kitchen counter (mmm carrots!), occasionally our plates (tender pieces of chicken breast), and of course the kitchen cupboards.
Still, she’s convinced that there’s some other magical place that food comes from … I’m sure of it.
Well, you see, whenever Chris or I take her outside for a walk the first thing she does when she comes back in the house is to run into the kitchen to check her food bowl. Sometimes she actually finds food in her bowl and I’m sure she must wonder where the heck it came from … hence the reason I think my dog believes in the Food Fairy.
When food magically appears in her bowl what actually happened is that Chris or I stayed in the house and perhaps ate a granola bar while the dog was out and then placed the crumbs in her bowl. Or maybe I was preparing dinner when Chris took her out and I placed some veggie scraps (piece of tomato, carrot, cucumber etc) in her bowl as a surprise.
Ever since she started receiving these magical food offerings, which happen very rarely I might add, she’s always made a habit of checking her food bowl every single time she comes back in from outside.
Does your dog believe in the food fairy too?
BTW I’m still waiting for the money fairy to make a surprise visit to our house!
Ivanhoe says
He he he he :o) Sammy gets a bowl of dry food every morning and every evening. There is no (people) food fairy in our house. But he knows where the treats are ;o)
Happy New Year!
Jean-Luc Picard says
Midnight probably hides food away all over for emergencies.
mary mathelda rodrigues says
He he he he 😮 ) Sammy gets a bowl of dry food every morning and every evening. There is no (people) food fairy in our house. But he knows where the treats are ;o)