OK, recovery mode – over!
As I mentioned last week my brother came in to town this past weekend (Vancouver to Toronto) for a business meeting on Monday.
It had been a long time since any of my siblings or I had seen my brother … close to two years! So naturally, along with his three and a half day visit to Toronto we needed to arrange some kind of family get together. We also had Chris’ parents coming into town to take Chris and I out for a meal on Saturday.
I’d only found out that my brother was going to be coming for a visit and would be a house guest last Tuesday or so … So we were in a mad scramble to 1. clean the house, 2. prepare for a family gathering and 3. figure out how we’d see the in-laws on Saturday as well!
There were lots of family emails going back and forth all week as we tried to plan for my brothers visit. Finally I came up with the idea of us having a backyard BBQ on Sunday that any family who wanted to come would be welcome to attend.
Now, I wouldn’t say our house was dirty … but we are in stalled renovation mode, and with a ceiling with slats nailed to it awaiting the tin ceiling we hope to put in … the house seems to get dustier quicker than it should. Not to mention the fact that our dog seems to be going through a heavy shed …
So I guess I started cleaning on Wednesday and put in a full day and a half on both Thursday and Friday! By the time my brother arrived I was exhausted … and I still had to get the food ready for the BBQ!
Luckily my brother is really easy going, willing to help out a bit and pretty much a perfect house guest! He happily tagged along on Saturday (after we’d gone out for a noon hour late breakfast with my husbands parents, picked my brother up at the airport and brought him back to our house) to the grocery store and beer store as we got everything we needed for the next days barbecue.
In the end I bought too much food! We were expecting a total of 13 people and I served Octoberfest sausages, Greek spicy Italian sausages (I know weird – made by a Greek butcher, but Italian flavor LOL), fresh corn on the cob, a green salad, potato salad and the food that my sister, sister in law and niece were bringing as well!
I guess my family aren’t big eaters … we only went through about 10 sausages, and 8 hamburgers and had about the same amount of each (not yet cooked thankfully!) left over. I’d also cooked 15 corn on the cob and only 7 were eaten … So Chris and I have spent the week cooking up and eating the sausages that were already thawed for Sundays party and finishing up the salads and desserts!
I guess for us it’s been a week long barbecue!
On Monday evening we drove my brother to his Airport Motel (he had an early flight the next day so it was easier for all of us if he stayed closer to the airport), and then we spent some time in his motel room having a last visit. By the time we returned home it as close to midnight and Chris and I were beat.
Actually I was exhausted by Sunday evening or truth be told after all that cleaning before the weekend has even begun! Darn Crohn’s disease … it just wipes you out. Monday I had a massive headache all day … probably from being overtired and well .. I had a few drinks on Sunday … and I don’t drink very often these days.
Tuesday and Wednesday were right offs as well … It’s only today that I’m starting to feel more like myself.
I’m sure that if I were healthy (ie no Crohn’s!) having more than a dozen visitors descend on our home wouldn’t have fazed me all that much … but considering my health it was quite a big task … one that I made worse with my insistence that the house be as clean as it could be.
Have you ever been totally wiped out after having a family gathering and at least one house guest?
Anyone else having a big family gathering or reunion this summer? We had a great time at ours (my oldest brother couldn’t make it, but the rest of the siblings were there).
I can’t even cope when next doors cat comes to visit
My huge family BBQ at 4th of july ended up like usual. Everyone got drunk and started throwing stuff at each other. My family’s weird.
It sounds like this was a mega BBQ
sounds like a good time. now you just have to work off some of those pounds
It is great to have family get togethers and what better way than a BBQ. We usually have one big one once a year.
Girl, you need to get yourself some help when you have that many guests coming.
The only time I see my family is at funerals. Sad, but true. There is always an excuse not to visit until someone passes.
I hope your Chron’s is under control and that you are enjoying your life. All the best.
I think most people would be tired after cleaning and the stress of planning a BBQ and house guests, etc. I have some adrenal fatigue and as a result, my house is never as clean as I’d like and I haven’t had company in a long time due to this. Some of my friends and my family is certainly not happy about this, but I’m going to preserve my energy at all costs. Hat’s off to you and congratulations for pulling it off! Sounds like it was a great BBQ.