Do you ever have one of those days when you go out to do one thing and end up doing several – not to mention spending a lot of money?
Yeah? Well that’s the kind of day I had today.
Chris had the day off work, so, since we both needed haircuts we made appointments in the afternoon. I got my hair cut first and then while my husband was getting his hair cut and was busy chatting away with our hair dresser I wandered through the mall.
My niece is getting married at the end of December. She was supposed to get married next June, but her fiance joined the armed forces and they are going to have to move to New Brunswick in January … hence the early wedding!
So I was wandering through the mall trying to get some ideas for a gift for her bridal shower and of course a wedding gift idea. She’s registered at the Hudson Bay company, and lucky for me, there’s a Bay store in the mall where we were getting our hair cut.
I did manage to get some gift ideas but I decided to hold off on buying anything until this weekend. I want to talk to my sister about one of the items I saw first. Anyway … if I could afford to buy her everything that I thought about buying she’d definitely need cross country movers come January! LOL I love buying gifts, but I seriously can’t afford much. Our finances are so bad.
I was also looking around for some clothes. I dug through my closets this past weekend and found a nice dress that I might wear to the wedding, but I discovered that I needed shoes. Can you believe that just about all of my dress shoes are opened toed? That won’t do for a December wedding! I’ll freeze my toes off. LOL
So I guess I concentrated more on buying things for me today rather than for my niece and her fiance. I ended up finding a great pair of high heels. They were 30% off! I also bought a nice pair of winter boots.
I really haven’t had a nice pair of winter boots for quite a while. The ones I do have are more like outdoor walking boots (but for winter) and they aren’t very comfortable at all! Luckily, when we do get snow here in Toronto it either melts fast, or the streets and sidewalks are cleared fairly quickly, so I’ve been able to get by using the boots I just mentioned and running shoes most winters.
Still, I wanted a decent pair of boots. You see I’ve been walking our dog more lately and I can see our walks getting longer and longer. I wont be able to keep that up every day through the winter if I don’t have a decent pair of boots … so that prompted me to take a serious look at the boots that were also on sale in the store.
In the end I saved over $60 on the boots and shoes.
I wish I’d saved even more, or that I didn’t need to get the shoes and boots. So much for just getting a hair cut! The money I spent will really put a dent in our finances. Not to mention the wedding and Christmas gifts I still have to buy!
Yeah, whenever I go shopping, it’s really hard to resists sales with big discounts. At the end of the day, I end up spending more than my budget. lol
The same situation is with me, When you are out for shopping, it always happens you spend more than what you have in your budget.