I’m finding that skin care in the summer time is a lot harder for me than it is in the winter.
In the winter all I need to do is moisturize regularly and my skin seems to stay fairly clear and blemish free.
The summer is a different story. You see I seem to react to my own sweat. Yeah – really! I once had a doctor tell me that she thought I was allergic to my own sweat.
While I don’t know if it’s true or not that I’m allergic to my own sweat, I do know that if I go outside when it’s warm or very hot and I start to sweat I’ll have a mini break out in some of the areas that sweat. For example if I’m outside working in my garden, pulling weeds or pruning roses and I’m out there long enough to start sweating ie sweat on my face etc. I’ll often have a pimple or two on my face a day or two later.
I don’t think it’s true adult acne as it mostly only happens if I’ve been sweating. It also doesn’t matter if I come inside and wash my face and have a shower right away either, I’ll still have a mini break out.
I guess I’m glad that I don’t get covered in blemishes, but it’s a pain in the butt. The best way for me to control these outbreaks is to try not to sweat and as you know that’s almost impossible in the summer without staying indoors in an air conditioned house all the time.
Does this affect anyone else? Do you break out more when you’ve been sweating?
It is because when you sweat your toxins in your face and your pores react and start producing acne. Which is a downfall but it does clear up fast.
Acne could also result in skin rashes. A good way to get rid off the toxins from the pores of the skin is by taking a steam bath. Applying a mild aloe vera lotion after the bath would replenish the skin with the lost moisture.
Me too, my sweat becomes itchy and then rashes follow, so what I did every time, I am sweating much I make it a point to take a bath.