My husband’s home again this week. He’s on another mandatory temporary layoff from work. He had a layoff week in July and then followed it up with two weeks holiday so all in all he’ll be off for four weeks this summer.
If they were all paid weeks off that’d be great, but he’s really only being paid for two, thanks to vacation pay … and receiving that vacation pay messed up his unemployment application as they count vacation pay as “money received” so he won’t be getting any unemployment money for his two layoff weeks. If you count the two layoff weeks in December that makes four weeks that he’s been laid off work in less than a year (thanks to the hospital going over budget) and he should qualify for a little unemployment pay … but thanks to that vacation pay it’s not going to happen.
I’m just trying to survive with Chris off work and at home all the time. I have a hard time getting my work done when he’s around because he asks me questions while he’s working on the other computer.
I do have a little reprieve. Chris just took our car to Brantford to see if the garage / dealer where we bought the car with repair the back window that won’t go up or down free of charge. We just bought the car and the window was working when we test drove the car so in our minds they should repair it for free.
We spoke with the man that sold us the car earlier today and he said it probably wouldn’t cost anything. I sure hope he’s right because we don’t have any extra money for car repairs right now … and as I said above I don’t think we should have to pay for the repair anyway. Also, if they are going to charge us we’d rather hold off on fixing the window. We can live with one window that won’t move for a while. At least it’s in the closed position! It would be a different story if it were stuck in the open position.
Man, the garage we bought our car at is a mess. When we drove down there a week ago to see our unrepairable Contour and test drive a car on the lot I had to use the washroom. Normally I don’t use public or even private washrooms if I can help it. I just don’t like to – but in this case, after looking at all 10 cars on the lot and test driving two of them I just had to go!
The whole garage was a mess. I think they saved everything that the business has ever owned (they opened about 80 years ago!) and of course everything in the place was covered in grease and I think metal dust. All except their new epson receipt printer and cash register.
The washroom was the dirtiest washroom I’ve ever been in. It was bad. Everything was covered in black dust or grease – even the inside of the toilet! If I hadn’t had to go so badly I would have turned around and walked out of the washroom. As it was I just tried my best not to touch anything and got out of there as quickly as I could.
Anyway … if Chris didn’t hit any traffic he should be in Brantford by now and with any luck the guys at the garage can look at our car today. If no parts need to be ordered and if it’s an easy fix he might be home tonight, otherwise I guess he’ll stay over at his parents place and get the car fixed tomorrow (for free I hope!) and drive back sometime tomorrow.
I’m hoping he’ll be home tonight -even though he drives me nuts when he’s home all day LOL, but I have a feeling I’ll be on my own tonight for a solo dinner.
Have you ever bought a used car and then discovered a problem almost immediately after buying it? Was the repair covered by the business that sold you the car?
i really do hate it when I buy something and soon after it’s broken, it’s really frustrating!
Yup I bought a used Toyota 4Runner a year and a half ago. it’s been a great car I just can’t get the darn check engine light off. I took it to a “Specialist” and he found two bad “sensors” and charged me $350 to fix. A week later the check engine light was on. In order to get your emissions done in the state of GA you can’t have a check engine light on, so i just unplugged the battery to reset it and got the emissions done. That was the cheap repair job.
Oh yes, who didn’t….My husband bought a used car a few years ago and just after a few miles the engine died…really died. Well, I guess we were expecting it to die anytime soon as it was extremely cheap. Also, our current car has issues, we just had it repainted and when we brought it home, surprise, the front right door wouldn’t open anymore. So used cars can be a lot of fun, LOL.
It’s a risk that everyone is taking when buying used things, but even so they shouldn’t break after first usage.
PS: I also share your opinion, can’t do anything when my husband is at home. I love him and it’s great when we’re together, but sometime some time off to get thing done is well appreciated 😉
kate you and my wife share the same opinion. Every once in a while she just wants to read a book and get some alone time.
How frustrating for you,hope everything works out!
Oh! I had very bad experience with used car. You never guess what will be broken 🙁 But its kind of Roulette. A lot of my friends were very lucky with used cars. Wish you all the best!