Every few months I keep going over this mental list of things that I want.
The list keeps growing of course because the needs outweigh the wants in rank of importance or at least that’s what I keep trying to tell myself. Yet that list keeps growing.
I’m sure you know what I mean. On the list of needs are things like groceries, utility bills (heating, electricity, phone, cable) prescription medicine, mortgage payments and so on.
On the list of wants are things like occasionally ordering in for dinner, buying a new computer or laptop, maybe getting an iPad, getting a new cellphone (I’d love an iPhone) oh and I’ve been saying for years that I can’t believe we’re pretty much the only people on the block without MP3 players. LOL
I’m sure I could list a lot more needs and wants – especially wants – like walking through the grocery store and “wanting” to pick out a lot more of the often higher priced items that I really like, but don’t because we’re on a tight budget … but you get the drift.
One thing that’s kind of halfway between a want and a need is new clothes. A lot of my clothes are on the old side. I haven’t been on a shopping spree for quite a while and there’s definitely a few items that need replacing.
There’s also the fact that the new medicine I’m on for my migraines, Topamax, sometimes has a side effect of making people lose their appetite and thus makes them lose weight. That’s already happened to me (three weeks in) and while I haven’t weighed myself, I think I’ve lost at least 5 pounds if not closer to 10 if the looseness of my clothes is any indication. If this keeps up I’m going to need to get new clothes soon whether I like it (or can afford it) or not.
Do you struggle with wants versus needs? Particularly if you are on a tight budget?
Well I stopped thinking about what I don’t have and enjoy what I do and can afford. Most of the time I get what I want, and when I can’t afford it then I find an alternative.
These days I’m careful with what I eat, and because I don’t afford to eat at a restaurant, I try to cook something special, including some nice deserts. You can’t imagine how less expensive is to prepare a gourmet dinner, and it can be also fun if you have some help 🙂
There´s products we want to get, and others that we must get..but just like Tricia did, She surely consider to create a balance between her needs and what aspires to get. This is definitely the way not to waste any more money on useless things.
We face this all the time especially now that both of us are full time students on scholarships. It’s mostly “needs” for us now. Now that the kids are growing up we have to put away some savings and it looks like less and less to spend on our “wants” in the future.
There definitely seems to be a fine line between wants and needs. The problem in the USA is a lot of luxuries are perceived as necessities.
For example…
Do you NEED that date plan with your phone? Maybe if it’s important to your job. But if you only use it to feed your Facebook addiction – that’s another story.
Unfortunately I face this problem every day and it always comes back to money.Because I’m not on a great deal of money my needs have to out weigh my wants otherwise I’d be one hungry and cold chap!
I let my wants rule in my iPad purchase and have just had to push out the other “wants” purchases….until 2011 🙂