Approximately two months I started taking vitamins again. I’m not normally a vitamin or supplement taker, but because I have Crohn’s disease I do have malabsorption problems and I do have deficiencies that show up on occasion when I have blood work done.
I also started taking Biotin because the migraine medication I’m taking is really an anti-convulstant and anti-convulsants are notorious for making people lose their hair. Biotin helps with hair and nail growth, so I figured to be on the safe side I’d start taking Biotin and other B vitamins before a problem like hair loss started. Plus as I said I do have deficiencies like low folic acid and iron levels, and I’ve been battling vitamin D deficiency for 2 years.
I even talked my husband into taking vitamins again.
Now I just need to find a place to get vitamins and supplements at good prices. I’m currently checking out a site that sells vitamins online . I just have to find out if they ship to Canada.
Do you take vitamins or supplements? I know, if you have a good balanced diet you might not have to take vitamins regularly, but I have a chronic disease that affects my digestive tract so it actually makes sense for me to take vitamins.