I can’t believe that tomorrow is the start of December! The months have just been flying by this year.
Unfortunately I’m dreading the end of the year and the beginning of the new year. Money is going to be really tight for us around that time. My husband is going to be going through yet another temporary lay off at work. A two week lay off at the end of December.
So that means we really can’t spend any extra money in December at all and more than likely it would be best to spend less than normal. Yeah … nice time of year to try to do that huh? Something tells me that come the end of December those TV commercials for payday advance loans will be looking pretty good. LOL
January will be the hardest month for us. Chris will get his normal pay cheques in December, but his his first pay cheque in the first week of January will be for zero dollars because he won’t have worked for the previous two weeks thanks to the lay off. That means that his first real pay in January won’t be until something like the 20th … so considering I’m still stuck at home on unpaid medical leave January is going to be a very tight month. I’m not looking forward to it.
I guess other than for bills and groceries there will be no extra money spent this month. So much for Christmas! I think my husband had better start looking for a new job and fast!
I’m sorry to hear about your difficulties. It’s not an easy time for anyone right now. I work in finance and can tell you that jobs are getting cut left and right.
Hold on there and be strong. Many people have been unemployed for 2 years without finding meaningful work. You’ll make it through okay, just keep up the hope.
Many economic indicators are showing a flat recovery, but things will get better next year.
I am a husband and father for two cute kids..the previous commentator is right. I was 2 years jobless. My business was broken with irresponsible partner and we have no money. But, thanks GOD, now I have earning from blogging…So, be patient and keep try to find a job …. send my regards for your husband…
I have been out of work for a few months now but have finally landed a new position. Just stay positive and things will work out for the better for both of you.
Interesting post.I empathize with your situation.Sometimes, when It’s tough going for me, I think of others going through far worse situations around the world and that calms me down and makes me thankful.I say to myself ” well, I maybe out of a job but at least I’m alive and well and not facing the possible threat of daily suicide bombing living in a place like Baghdad, Iraq.The people living there have it tough.No running water,little or no electricity,religious haters,flying bullets,suicide bombers – That’s a tough life to live.Compared to that life,I am alright.”Sometimes putting things in perspective helps a lot.
I know how you feel. My wife and I have been going through a tough time the last few years as well. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 and over the next two years we went through problem after problem. It seems when it rains it pours. Even though we have a house that was built in 2003 it seems everything that could go bad did these last two years. Air conditioning, well pump, plumbing, lawn mower, cars, everything broke at the same time. In the midst of all this I have been working on starting a new business and just when we really needed things to get cheaper then seem to get more and more expensive.
I feel for you.