Happy New Year to all of my readers and visitors!
I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and that the new year brings you health, happiness and that at least one of your wishes for yourself come true.
I had a fairly uneventful New Year’s eve and new years day … pretty much how I like it. I used to do the party thing … ie go down town to the clubs or go to someones New Year’s Party or even hold my own … but it’s such a hassle after a while. I know, that probably sounds like I’m a party pooper, but my husband and I just like having a nice dinner together and doing our own thing.
Hopefully none of you partied so much that you’re now looking in to inpatient rehab centers wink wink. LOL With any luck the hangovers are long gone and life is back to normal for most of you?
So tell me .. what did you do to celebrate the New Year and did you make any resolutions?
I didn’t make any resolutions. Hey, I already quit smoking in October! That’s a big one! The 12th of this month will be 3 months for me. Also, thanks to the medication that I’m taking for my migraines I can’t even have a drink (another reason we didn’t go out to any parties for New Years) so I haven’t even had a drink for close to five months. Not that I ever drank much before that, but that’s two big things I quit doing all before the new year.
So what resolutions did you make and did you break them yet?
Hello! Happy New Year to you and to all the subscribers of your awesome blog site. New Year celebration was really fun here in my place. Lots of fireworks bursting beautifully up in the north, south, west and east part of the sky. This year, one of my New Year’s Resolutions is to sleep early, give myself an 8-hour of sleep. Other one is to gain more weight. I guess, this 2011 I give myself a break. This year is for myself. 🙂
I rang in the New Year with my Guild mates in World of Warcraft in Stormwind on the Khadgar Server, whilst the rest of my family here at home peacefully slept. Happy New Year.
I spent it with the love of my life!
After a stressful 2010 I had a pleasant New year’s eve with nice food, friends, a couple of drinks, followed by a peaceful sleep. It might not sound very fun, but it was all that i needed.
I’m such a party pooper when it comes to NYE, I think I was in bed by 8PM. LOL Then I awoke to hear the neighbors setting off firecrackers and figured it must be midnight.
To your health, Jennifer
I had a bunch of New Years resolutions this year:
1.) Save 60% of my income after retirement contributions (single, no kids, no debt)
2.) Work out 4x a week
3.) Write first draft of my book
4.) Blog 3x a week
5.) Spend more time with family/friends
I really like your blog. It has a very inviting tone and it’s not pretentious at all. Congrats on your blog and best wishes for 2011.
Also forgot to add that I didn’t break any of my resolutions. I’m on track for my savings goals so far (only bee 7 days in the year haha). Also worked out for 5 of those 7 days already, so the weight loss goal is on track as well.
Happy New Year!
biggest resolution is to start blogging again! so far I only have 1 post- yikes!
We will see how the rest of the year pans out. ha!
Happy new year to you too……
Happy (belated new year) and congrats on quitting smoking AND drinking, very impressive. I don’t really like resolutions as they are normally broken anyway within a few days or weeks but i am going to make an effort to know when I’ve had enough to drink haha. Not too hard surely! 😉
I brought in the new year with all my friends and we had a great night
My foremost resolution this year was to get an ample hours of sleep, in the range of 6 – 7 hours. Guess what? Last night, I came home very late, around 1 am and reported for work today at 6 am.
Happy New Year to Everyone and I hope, unlike me, you are persevering with your own resolutions.
I never go out on new year’s eve – and never regret it either. This year four of us sat in front of the TV and watched Star awards and pigged out on double cheese burst pizza. It was cosy, warm and sweet. We shouted â€happy new year†to each other at 12, was fun with closest friends, at a friends place. Amidst dancing, food and drink. Lots of little people between 1.5 yrs and 3 .5 yrs also had a whale of a time requesting for ‘jawani’ ( sheela ki jawani) repeatedly.
My boyfriend and I went to Disney Land Paris is was fantastic. The fireworks were amazing. We stood and watched them with a glass of champagne before counting down to midnight. It was VERY cold though!