I don’t know if it’s the cold dry air, the weather or just me, but my eczema seems to be getting worse and worse.
I’ve had eczema on and off ever since I was a young child. I think it first appeared on one of my legs oddly enough. In fact, I didn’t get a smallpox vaccine as a child because of the eczema and because my sister had/has as bad case of eczema as well. Apparently eczema and the smallpox vaccine don’t get along so they didn’t want to take a chance vaccinating me for something that there was little chance of me getting.
Skip forward to 2001/ 2002 when the government was seriously thinking of having all front line workers vaccinated against smallpox in case of terrorist threats etc. Being an Emergency Room nurse I would have been required to be vaccinated. I would have either had to risk my health and get the vaccination or change jobs. As it turned out the government canceled the plan for some reason, but I’m sure at some point in the future they’ll think about activating that plan again. Sigh.
Anyway … back to my current eczema problem .. I have this spot on my wrist that just won’t go away. I’m going to try a new treatment for eczema that I’m hoping will make it go away once and for all. I’ve tried so many over the years with varying results, I guess it’s worth giving yet another one a try.
If you have eczema does it get worse in the winter time or at any other particular time of year?
I think it depends on the individual and the type of eczema, the person i know seems to flare up when its warmer weather, how did the new treatment go, did this help the eczema on your wrist?
I too used to suffer from more sever eczema in the winter months, my skin became very dry from the cold air. I used a natural eczema treatment that uses oatmeal.
I think that many people think that their skin conditions get worse during the winter months. It probably has a lot to do with the cold, but it also depends on the person. Since eczema is influenced by stress and different people experience high levels of stress at different times, it could very well differ for many people.
I found eczema relief from a prescription that contained lactic acid.
Interesting that your eczema got worse in winter. For me, exactly the opposite was the case, and my eczema used to flare up in summer when I was sweating more.
I know winter months seem to be one of the worst times for eczema due to the dry heat of indoor heating. Dry skin then reeks havoc on eczema prone sufferers and the outside weather doesn’t help much with the cold dry air. One needs to find a good moisturizer and avoid drying the skin if they can. I know it’s hard though!