The neighbors in the house next door showed up this afternoon to renovate their house. This is the house on the other side of us that`s been unoccupied for over a year.
I don`t understand why our neighbors only show up to renovate sporadically. For example they didn’t show up all week or even last weekend, and then today then arrived at about 3:30 pm with a few relatives and started banging away.
My husband and I went out in the late afternoon and when we came home it was after 8 pm and there was a huge van squeezed into our shared driveway. It was so big it was hanging out over the sidewalk. I hate it when they do that because people passing by can`t walk on the sidewalk and there are a lot of people going by with strollers, carriages and even handicapped people so it`s not fair to block the sidewalk. Plus I`m pretty sure that if the police came around they`d get a pretty hefty fine, but of course they`d probably come to our door first thinking it was our vehicle. GRRRRR.
Then .. just a little while ago they started using a hammer drill or some other kind of loud drill. It shook our house. Bad enough for us … but their house is a semi-detached too and their closest neighbor (ie their semi-detached partner) is an elderly lady! Poor Helen is about 85 years old and I`m sure she doesn’t need to hear that kind of noise. It probably made her think her seniors life insurance was running out! LOL
I can`t believe how inconsiderate they`re being. I wanted to go and talk to them – about the noise and the van in the driveway but my husband doesn’t want us to have anything to do with them. He figures they`ll get a ticket for parking the van that way at some point and that the elderly ladies son will eventually speak up for her. Her son is a wimp so I don`t know about that …
Anyway I`m kind of sick of inconsiderate people.
yeah, i feel your pain! we’ve got the same problem with inconsiderate neighbours here in darwin and when we talk to them they tell us to get lost!
Hi Tricia,
We are on the same boat. Those inconsiderate people are only those who are thinking of themselves. As much as I want to yell at them, I cannot do it because that will make a bad impression to others. I can still hold my temper. And I am hopeful that they will change their behavior. 🙂
Lol I keep hearing stories like this this week, I think it’s a sign from the universe telling me that I need to be careful when I pick my new house, inspect the neighbors