Wow … the neighbor that I wrote about in my last post, the one that made a ton of noise last weekend while renovating was actually kind of human this evening! That’s a first.
I actually had to call him earlier in the week. I didn’t want to, but I had to. You see, they’ve been renovating a lot and haven’t done much with their backyard and as a result they’ve piled up some stuff in their backyard … like an old carpet that they pulled out of the house and several other things and with all the rain that stuff got wet and I think it started to rot and smell and well … it smelled so bad that it made me wonder if something had died in their yard!
He finally came by this evening and after doing some renovation work inside for a few hours he came outside and started cleaning up some of the mess. I think that mosquitoes had started breeding in the wet rug too because I’ve been getting bit by them all week and I almost never get mosquito bites lately … but I must have had 100 this week alone! I’d better not get West Nile thanks to my neighbor and his wet rotting rug! LOL
My husband and I happened to be outside in the backyard doing some work when our neighbor came outside to clean up his mess and we all started talking. It was the first decent conversation we’d had in months. I guess one the machines that he’s using inside needs a new part or something so that was slowing him down .. he and my husband were saying something about thrust bearings but I’m not sure exactly what they were for.
Anyway … he bagged up the smelly stuff but didn’t take it away yet. Hopefully he’ll be back tomorrow with his dads van to haul it away then I’ll know for sure that I’ll be able to enjoy my beautiful garden without that awful smell!
Happy gardening! Have fun! Hope that awful smell will get out of your surroundings.
Wow I can certainly relate to this situation Tricia! We have a neighbor next to us the has a rather large dumpster parked right next to our property line. He’s in the landscaping business to you just never know what he’s going to be putting in that thing! From time to time that thing reeks and it could be weeks before it’s emptied. Really makes you wonder what people are thinking and how they can appear to be so inconsiderate. Ugggh!
Oh dear, I know the feeling…
My neighbours had a compost bin last year that they just didn’t know what to do with. They were putting in cooked food and meat scraps – and absolute no-no as I’m sure you know – and it began to stink to high heaven. Thankfully it was as bad for them as it was for me and eventually they bit the bullet and carted it away. They picked up the whole thing and dumped it, not risking removing the rotten contents!
They still talk about it to this day, very funny.
Cheers, Duncan