Remember that Laptop computer that I bought back in February? Well … it’s been giving me a lot of trouble this week. In fact, it took about two hours just to shut down on Wednesday night and since then – all day Thursday and now today I’ve been desperately trying to figure out what’s wrong with precious computer.
Last night I was so frustrated that I felt like picking up the computer and throwing it at a metal building or something.
Now after taking a few things out of the startup, and using CCleaner to cleanup the registry it’s working a little better. I actually think that my Firefox browser might be causing all the trouble. Windows just keeps freezing and it keeps getting that blue spinning thing like it’s working working working or busy doing something .. for minutes or even HOURS at a time! I mean it’s literally taken hours for my laptop to shut down. Nothing I did would shut it down. I had to unplug it and wait for the battery to die and then it finally shut down.
The odd thing is that the computer seems to work fairly well in Safe mode. It was while I was in Safe mode that I discovered that Chrome seemed to work fine, but if I started up Firefox all the webpages I visited were sort of in text mode. Even after I updated Firefox the pages are still in text mode. I have no idea why … but the computer seems to be working better in normal mode at this time … I’m cautiously optimistic that it’s a software problem.
If anyone has any ideas for any more things that I can do to fix my Laptop. It’s running on Windows 7 – 64 bit. Thanks!
Mia says
You could reinstall the WIndows – it may take a few hours, but you’ll get a fresh start.
Peter says
For me it looks like you have to reinstall windows. My laptop is doing a backup every week so that i can put my system back to this point if there are any bigger problems wih it. When your laptop doesn´t shut down you can push the start button for a couple of seconds so it will shut down without destroying any data.
Barry Wheeler says
You can roll your system back to a previous date using the System Restore feature.
It sounds like you have something corrupt. I don’t think you have to reinstall windows, but without actually seeing the laptop, kinda hard to tell.
bob says
Do a chkdsk on startup and it will check the harddrive for error/bad sectors, Could be that your harddrive is on its way out if it was taking ages to shut down…
Robbie says
Firstly, if this happens again do not unplug you laptop and wait for the battery to run down. Instead, press and hold the power-on button – after a few seconds your laptop will turn off.
Now, I have had a similar problem with my desktop, also running Window 7, 64 bit. I think this happens when you get a software conflict and the appropriate assets cannot be updated or accessed because of an object lock.
Rather than reinstalling windows, if the problem persists, I would uninstall Firefox test out your other applications, perform a couple of clean boot-ups and shut-downs and then, if all looks okay, install a clean version of Firefox from a new download.
Hope that helps.
Tricia says
Robbie .. I had to unplug. I’ve been working with computers since the late 70’s I know what I’m doing (plus husband is a computer tech by trade) … holding down the power button DID NOTHING! I had to let the power run out. Also I couldn’t recover anything – I tried and I kept getting the message that the recovery point had been erased or that there had been an error. Check disk wouldn’t work and my antivirus and spyware wouldn’t work, the computer crawled like molasses. Something was drastically wrong with the registry … a virus possibly or just some severely corrupt files … either way after 9 days or so of trying to manually fix my laptop I wiped the hard drive and started over.
My laptop is MUCH better now.
Thanks for all of your suggestions – Robbie and everyone else who has stopped by to help!