I think there’s a pothole developing in front of my house. On the street, just off to the left there’s a manhole cover and over the last few months it has been sinking into the asphalt and swirly cracks have been appearing around it.
Actually the whole street in front of my house has developed a lot of cracks over the last year or so and they’re getting bigger and bigger. Every time cars and trucks wheels and tires go over the cracks or that sinking manhole cover my house shakes and rattles. Yeah … all the shakes and rattles I feel aren’t just from my loud neighbors toddler!
We called the city to report our suspicions that a big sinkhole was developing but we don’t know if they’ve come out to take a look or not.
Anyway … don’t be surprise if I have a big post in a couple of months with pictures of a car in a huge sinkhole in front of my house because that’s what I suspect is going to happen!
you’ll go out there some morning and there will be a Texas version of a grand canyon…good luck
Oh wow, that’s not good. I hope that it gets cleared up soon. You mentioned calling the city – Is the street maintained by the city or is it a neighborhood assessment fee that fixes the roads?
I believe all of the streets of Toronto are maintained by the city so I called the city number – 311 and reported my suspicions about the possible sinkhole.
I was standing on the sidewalk near the possible sinkhole area last night and a big truck went by and the whole sidewalk felt like it was hollow underneath my feet!
You should call the city and see if they came to see, sinkholes are no joke, they can destroy homes! Hope all goes well.