It was absolutely gorgeous today. Here it is only March 22nd and it reached 26 Celcius today and with humidity felt like 30 Celcius (86 F). Considering that I’m in Toronto, Canada and it’s usually only about 4 Celsius at this time that’s pretty remarkable.
What’s even more remarkable is that it’s been pretty warm for over a week and well, all of this month has been well over normal temperatures, in fact the whole winter has been a warm winter. I think they said on the news that it’s the second warmest winter on record for this area.
My garden has all kinds of plants coming up and even blooming. My crocuses came up last week. I think it was the 14th when they first appeared and now they’re pretty much done. The heat did them in. My hellebores are blooming as are my Glories of the snow and Snow Drops. It won’t be long before my tulips and Daffodils and Hyacinths are blooming too, most of their leaves are already almost a foot high and I’m sure I’ll see flower buds soon. Half my roses have tiny leaves and my two honeysuckles vines are already leafed out as well. Several of my Clematis vines have leaves already too.
I swear my garden doesn’t normally have this much grown until the end of April most years!
I actually went out and watered my lawn and garden this afternoon!
Now if only I had a wooden swing to sit on and enjoy the lovely day it would have been perfect.
I’m happy for you. Spring’s finally here. We can buh bye to thick coats and say hello to summer outfits. Perfect season to grow plants. 🙂
The weather has been really wacky here in NJ. Spring and summer one week then winter again. Our flowers are already in bloom and it isn’t April yet!
I like walking as well. I wish I could see the sun rise there. It such a wonderful time in morning to wake up seeing your garden growing. You should totally blog about how you maintain your garden.
It such a wonderful time in morning to wake up seeing your garden growing. Spring and summer one week then winter again.
The weather has been awesome. I can’t believe how nice it has been .