Is it hot enough for you?
This has been a hot dry summer for the most part in many areas. Here in Toronto we’re used to having a fairly hot and humid summer but we normally get quite a bit more rain than we’ve had in the last two months.
I’m thankful that we’ve had some rain in the last week. We’ve actually had two extremely good rain storms in the last three or four days. I’m sure my garden is very happy now with all the moisture.
Actually the rain we received in the last few days was accompanied by thunder and lightening so I know my plants were really happy. Did you know that when there is lightening it puts free nitrogen into the air and the plants just suck that up and that’s one of the main reasons why you see plants have a huge spurt of growth after a lightening storm?
Oh yes … I’m going to have some very pretty flowers in a week or two! Thank you stormy days! I never thought I’d be thankful for a storm. Believe me, I hate thunder. You’d think I’d dislike lightening but it’s the thunder that I hate the most. It’s the sound .. so I really don’t like it all that much when we have thunder storms, but I know my garden needs the rain and all the goodness that a storm brings. Particularly when it’s been so dry for the last several months.
How has the weather been in your area? Has it been warm and overly dry in your city too? I just remembered that last week they actually banned fires in the city. I don’t know if that ban is still on now that we’ve had some rain, but that’s how dry it’s been.