I’m trying to find creative ways to cut our bills yet still pretty much maintain the lifestyle that we’ve grown accustomed to in the last while.
By this I mean not just cooking all our meals at home instead of getting the occasional take out or delivery, but making sure those home cooked meals are high quality meals. Believe me, I’m a good cook I always get lots of compliments when I cook for others.
I also want to see about cutting back on things like our cable bill. We have an HDTV and I’d like to look into antennas for tv’s particularly HDTV’s. I’ve heard they can pull the signal for a lot of free HDTV stations so it might be worth looking into and that would definitely cut the cost of our cable bill if it works.
I’m trying to think of other ways to cut costs – yet not feel the pinch too much. Any ideas?
It’s great to hear you’re cutting back on your expenses. I’ve done the same. I think food and gas are some of the big ones for me. By taking less trips to fancy resturaunts i’ve saved a lot of money on both. Depending on how much you like t.v. you could also use Netflix and Hulu or Amazon prime for all of your t.v. needs instead of paying for cable or satilite.
Hi Jane
Well we don’t really go out to a lot of restaurants but we did get take out or delivery every so often so we’re cutting back on that. As for using Hulu and Amazon Prime .. we’re in Canada so those aren’t available to us and Netflix while it is here in Canada still has a way to go as far as getting decent and up to date movies and shows for Canadians as far as I hear – something to do with licensing. Good ideas though! IF anyone has true Canadian alternatives I’d love to hear about them.
simple … but dificult to do it..
“use your money for your need and dont use your money for you want..” 🙂