Easier said than done right? One of the main causes of stress in daily life are the financial ones, and anyone who’s ever experienced these stresses will undoubtedly groan in despair when they read this headline, but financial stresses can be tackled with some fairly simple stress busting techniques. Follow these five every day tips to make sure your financial woes are cured.
Image credit to from bruckerrlb Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/12133844@N00/407842334/
1) Â Take A Deep Breath
Probably the most common stress-busting tip when the pressure hits is to sit back, take a deep breath and take stock of the situation. Often financial blunders can be made if you’re not thinking straight, so taking a step back to analyse what’s going on in your wallet or in your bank will make the world of difference, you may even realise that some of your worries are less important than you first thought, and be able to put more emphasis on the ones which are.
2) Â Clear Up
Again, a simple but effective solution when everything gets on top of you is to spend some time clearing up clutter, literally, because a clean, tidy home life can make it easier to make more sensible decisions financially. Put aside time to clear up at home and your mind will follow suit.
3) Â Get Organised
Similar to the clutter rule, making time to organise yourself with a schedule in order to prioritise financial obligations and payment plans can make life much simpler and remove stressful situations. Whether you choose to make a spread sheet of all your purchases and outgoings, fill out a monthly wall chart or download a phone app to monitor yourself electronically, get your finances in order to reduce your stress levels.
4) Â Learning To Say No
One of the most stressful aspects of life in the modern age is probably trying to please everyone and feeling bad about missing out. But at the same time saying yes to everyone and everything can lend you in financial hot water. Learning to say no occasionally is probably the most useful way to save yourself from financial freak outs. It might be hard to resist, but get into the habit of making decisions based on finances and you’ll feel less stressed and can enjoy the times when you do say yes.
5) Â Get Some Exercise
Getting some exercise can help to clear your mind of financial woes, and potentially give you time to think of solutions too. The endorphins you get from exercise generally make you happier too, so it’s a win win situation, and if you partake in running rather than joining a gym, it’s free too.
So finances can be stressful business, and if you don’t get on top of the them early then they can turn into bigger problems that become unmanageable. Follow these simple but effective rules for staying stress-free and apply them to your financial concerns and you could find yourself breezing through life’s financial problems.
Author Bio | James is passionate about the finance industry.  He works  for sites like Wonga.com a short term loans lender in the UK.
Nice article Tricia. Financial stress is one of the worst kinds of stress. Any trick to fight it is more than welcome