I’m hoping to return to work in the next couple of months. If you are a regular reader of this blog you might remember that I’m an ER nurse and that I’ve been off work on medical leave for oh … 6 years!!!! I’ve been off work because of a bad flare of Crohn’s disease. Believe me if you don’t know what Crohn’s is – you don’t want to know.
I’ve actually been feeling somewhat better over the last few months. Even the migraines that knocked me out a year or so ago seem to be under control so I’m think it’s time to try going back to work. Also .. there’s some personal stuff going on here at my house that makes it kind of important that I try going back. I’ve been gone so long I keep going over in my head how to take blood, put in IV’s and do all of the routine things that I used to do practically with my eyes closed! It will take some time before I’m wheeling medication carts around again.
One of the only problems with my return to work is that my doctor isn’t convinced that I’m ready so I have to convince her that I’m going to be able to do it. I’m also hoping that if I do go back to work that perhaps instead of working four 12 hour shifts in a row that rotate from day shifts to night shifts through that four day period – terrible really – that I can do eight hour shifts that are just day and or evening shifts. No more nights, no more quickly rotating 12 hour shifts. We’ll see what happens I suppose.
Wish me luck – I’ll know if I’m returning to the ER very soon.