It seems that all my posts have been in the middle of the night or early morning lately. So why stop now I ask? Actually I don’t know why I’m up so late lately. It’s not like I have trouble sleeping. It just seems my whole internal clock has flipped on it’s side.
Things I’ve noticed in the night:
1. My husband snores. REALLY bad. It’s not like I didn’t know he snored, heck we’ve been married for 12 years and I know all his bad habits, but I didn’t realize just how loud his snoring was until I became nocturnal. I can hear him from the living room! It’s a deep rumble- like a train running through our house. Maybe that’s the real reason I haven’t been sleeping lately?
2. Raccoon and stray cats really love our yard. We have security lights in our drive way and at our back porch so whenever an animal passes by the lights come on. It sure makes it easy to keep track of the creatures using our yard as a freeway.
These animals don’t seem to do anything in our backyard. They don’t get into our garbage containers or dig up the garden. Well, occasionally I’ll find little holes in the lawn- probably looking for earthworms, but that’s about all the damage I’ve ever found. Instead they use our yard like some kind of shortcut. The cats like to explore our patio. If I knock on the window when one is out there, even if I can’t see it, it will show itself and look at me as if it’s saying “feed me” or “pet me”.
The first few of years that we were our house I never saw any stray cats, but just this last year I’ve probably seen 10 different cats. What’s up with that? Were they always around and I didn’t notice them, or has something changed about my yard that makes it more attractive to them?
3. I’ve also discovered that my easy going, mild mannered husband is really grumpy when he has to get up early in the morning. He’s never in a bad mood. I mean never. If someone could figure out a way to market whatever makes him tick and give it to the public this world would be filled with more happy people.
My husband works shift work, and this morning he had an early shift. He had to start work at 5:30 a.m., but he was going in for 5:00 a.m. to get an early start to his work. So he got up at 3:45 a.m. He says he didn’t sleep- not well anyway. I can verify that he did indeed sleep- remember, the snoring, I can hear it.
He was so grumpy! He’s normally a morning person, but hey, at 3:45 in the morning even a morning person might find that a tad too early. Being the good wife that I am I made him breakfast, coffee and packed him lunch, and then proceeded to NOT disturb him. Hopefully he’s in a better mood when he gets home.
Enough of my rambling. Do you think I should go to bed?