Terri is another blogger that I’ve met through my work with pay/perp0st. When she discovered my site it seems that she got a kick out of the two of us both having “Musings” sites. Yes, that’s the name of her blog.
With Terri you get a Two for One deal just like you do with Chris and I, because her husband Kevin has a blog of his own too, it’s called Shameless Stuff and he talks about weirdness in the world on his site. It can be quite amusing. You should also visit his Bed head a day photo gallery on his Shameless Creations website.
In her blog, Terri talks about a little bit of everything. She has a nice tone to her writing and it’s easily enjoyable. I enjoyed her post where she talked about being worried about telling her mother that they were getting a puppy. Shortly after that post you’ll find one with an interesting picture of an object called a fecalizer. All I’ll say is that it’s got something to do with the puppy. You need to see the photo and read her post to get the full story.
Terri and Kevin have two young boys running around at home, and in her about me section Terri sums up her thoughts on her families direction as “We are creating a life where we work less and enjoy life, love, family, and art more.” That sounds fantastic to me Terri. I hope that you and Kevin can pull it off.
They have one more site, honestly do I know anyone that only has one site anymore? Their new site is called Shameless Reality Show which is filled with interesting stories about their family life, videos – I guess you would call them videocasts or video confessionals where family members take turns talking to their readers/ viewers about their life, happenings and goals. It’s a great site.
Oh dear! There’s even one more site! Kevin is also a healer and he’s created a site called Theta Mind . This new site discusses the powers of the mind, how to focus it’s power, and healing. That’s a very simple explanation of his site, but if you are interested in Healing please do stop by his new site and see if you can learn more about the powers of the mind.
So go and stop by Terri and her husband Kevin’s sites and tell them that Tricia says hi!