I’m being bombarded by mail these days. Yeah I know … my usual complaints are about spam email and spam commenters … but this time it’s snail mail! LOL
I’ve had a huge increase in mail deliveries in the last while. I guess it’s not enough for the mailman to deliver bills and flyers, but our Postal Service hires people just to deliver flyers in addition to the ones that the mailman delivers, and then of course there’s people hired to deliver flyers for private companies too.
Our regular mail is usually delivered by about 9:30 in the morning, but it seems just about any other time I walk out my door during the day there’s a new set of flyers in the mailbox, on the floor of my porch or stuck in the handle of our screen door. It’s actually becoming a hazard, I’ve slipped on a few glossy flyers that have been placed right outside the front door. Now I’ve got to be sure to look down before I put my foot down … remember I’m a klutz already so I don’t need any extra help with mishaps! LOL
The flyers run the gamut with anything from restaurant take out or delivery fliers to drug stores promoting things like the best diet pills they sell and so on.
Now that we’re having a snap Federal Election we’re also receiving newsletters and promotional mail from all of the major political parties too.
I’ll admit some of the flyers are useful, but the majority end up going straight into the recycling box. I can’t help thinking what a waste of money it is for companies to print out these flyers and hire people to deliver them when I suspect the majority of people receiving them are just throwing them in the recycling bin. (well I hope they are at least recycling!) what a waste of paper, money and resources!
In the past we had a sign on our door that said “No Flyers” but those delivering them ignored our request, and if the flyers were part of the regular mail delivery they still got delivered.
Do you feel that you get too many flyers too? What do you do about it?