Ok I knew we were supposed to have storms on and off all day, but what’s with the hail?
Seriously, almost every big storm this summer has come with hail.
At around 1:45 pm I noticed that it was getting darker and darker outside. Suspecting that a storm was about to start I quickly got Midnight to eat her lunch (no easy feat since she’s been finicky about her food over the past week (we’re hoping it’s just because she’s in heat)) and then I took her outside to do her business.
Just as she was finishing up .. maybe a few minutes after 2 pm I started hearing things falling on cars, the street, the house behind me … I couldn’t see or feel anything yet – but I could hear it. It was hail.
Midnight and I quickly ran inside the house just as the rain and hail started coming down in earnest.
It rained and hailed heavily for at least 15 or 20 minutes and as you can see I managed to take a few pictures of the active weather.
The hail was approximately the size of M & M’s (it’s the white dots you see on the pavement in the photo above) and it was hitting the watery ground and pavement so hard that it bounced up and caused the water it had hit to splash.
I’m glad that Midnight and I were watching the storm from indoors as I’m sure anyone outside was being pelted by all that hail. I saw one woman jog by (she was dressed to jog – wasn’t just running in the rain!) and several people on bikes. I’m sure they were all trying to get out of the storm as fast as they could.
We have enclosed porches so when it rains and if you happen to be outside on one of the porches or if the doors are open you can really hear the rain as it hits the porch roof. It’s especially loud in the back porch because it’s roof is corrugated plastic (why I don’t know – bought our house that way – yuck). The hail hitting that heavy plastic roof was so loud! It sounded like marbles were falling on the roof!
I’m glad my puppy doesn’t seem to be afraid of rain or thunder storms since we get so many and as I said above because you can really hear the rain in this house!
I took enough photos during the storm that I decide to submit some to theweathernetwork.com for their My Weather section. So I’m sitting here with the weather channel on the TV hoping to see at least one of my photos in their “my weather” segments or on the site itself.
I hope your weather’s been better than ours! If this kind of weather keeps up I’m going to take one of those Vegas vacations that I’ve been threatening to take all year!
Oh .. I almost forgot – During the storm a funnel cloud was spotted in North York (North section of Toronto). It didn’t turn into a tornado, but that’s the closest we’ve been to a Tornado in the city this year that I know of.