When Chris’ brother was over on Sunday night he was trying to talk us into meeting him in Milwaukee in early July to go to a Rush concert. Both he and Chris are big fans of the band.
I don’t even know if Chris could get the time off in order to go to the concert. It’s in the middle of the week, July 7th I think and one of his co-workers is on holidays for the whole month of July so he’s supposed to be doing extra shifts.
If we find that we’re able to go I’ll have to look up some cheap hotels in the area for all of us to stay in. I’m sure Chris and his brother would be happy sleeping in the car for all they’d care, but if I’m traveling all that way I’m sleeping in a bed that night.
Any Rush fans out there?
Did I ever tell you that Chris used to deliver grocery products to the high end neighborhoods here in Toronto? This was like 20 years ago. He met Geddy Lee and his wife Nancy several times. Actually Geddy Lee didn’t live too far from our apartment and we’d occasionally see him and his little dog (a Maltese maybe) in the liquor store.