If you’ve always admired others who have the ability to play a musical instrument or perhaps have always wanted to learn how to play the piano, now’s your chance.
Playpiano.com is a website where you can sign up for the Free piano lessons email newsletter for adults on “Piano Chords & Chord Progressions”. This email newsletter is sent to you for no charge every five days or so. All in all you’ll get a total of 101 issues.
When I visited over the website for more information it looks like you’ll be taught how to read chords first and foremost since they are the basis of all music. If you understand chords you should be able to play anything.
If you enjoy the free piano lessons that you’ll get through each newsletter installment you might decide that you want more in depth lessons. If so, you can purchase full piano courses for adults on DVD and CD.
If you do well with your lessons you’ll soon be entertaining your family and friends. Perhaps you can have your own musical entertainment nights?
Visit the site to get more information.