It always seems that whenever I’m on a roll posting away on my computer late at night we have a thunder storm. The house a few minutes ago since the storm and thunder was so close.
Actually we need rain. We’ve barely had any rain here in Toronto over the last month. Perhaps I should stay up late posting like crazy more often so we’ll get some rain.
I’m just hoping, as I usually do, that the power doesn’t go out. I hate when the power goes out during a storm. Thunder storms freak me out. I wonder if they sell decent looking battery powered home lighting that won’t go out during a storm? Now that would be a great invention wouldn’t it? A nice lamp that has back up batteries in it like some alarm clocks do so that when the power goes out the clock, or in this case light, will keep on working.
Yes I’m rambling. Time to go to bed I think. At least if I’m bed it won’t matter if the power goes out.