It really warmed up here today! Remember all that snow that I showed you a photo of the other day? Well it’s all melted. I think it warmed up overnight as there was still lots of snow when we took our puppy to the park for the second time yesterday evening. By noon it looked like Spring around here.
It’s supposed to get really cold again overnight so Puppy and I took advantage of the nice weather and went for a really long walk this afternoon.
I walked on the sidewalks and for the most part Midnight walked on everyone’s lawn. She was enjoying smelling the grass, mud, plants, melted poo and signs of other animals. Of course she loved smelling all the disgusting stuff. I had to keep pulling her to the side saying “no, yucky poop” or something to that effect.
What disgusted me the most was that a few of the lawns were literally covered in cigarette butts. I guess these were from people that were smokers but who chose to or weren’t allowed to smoke inside their homes.
Now, I’m a smoker. I hate to admit that. I hope to do something about my bad habit in the next few months. I smoke inside … but as I said in one of my recent posts we use air purifiers in the house to help improve the air quality. I clean out our ashtrays frequently so there isn’t a build up of cigarette butts as that adds to the smell in the home.
You’d think that if someone was smoking outside regularly … and I mean really regularly if the whole front lawn is covered in cigarette butts .. that they’d put a can outside to put their butts in or something.
Disgusting. It was worse than the lawns that we passed that had dog poo on them that hadn’t been cleaned up.
BTW when I go out for a walk with our puppy I often bring a cigarette with me. This time I actually forgot to bring one and it didn’t even occur to me that I didn’t have a smoke with me until we’d gotten about a mile from home. Good huh. Maybe there’s hope that I will quit after all.