As some of my regular readers know, I have Crohn’s disease.
This is a disease that affects the bowels. I won’t go into all the details, but lets just say that inflammation and scaring can develop as a result of the disease as well as many other symptoms. Needless to say this affects how a person with Crohn’s can digest their food. People with Crohn’s often have trouble eating certain types of foods and in some cases, usually during a flare up of the disease, the inability to eat or digest some foods can cause nutritional deficiencies.
As a result of this disease and all the trouble it gives me as far as getting proper nutrients into my system I’m always looking for supplements that might help my condition.
One dietary supplement that I’ve thought about trying is Spirulina. Spirulina is actually a microalgae and it contains a very high amount of protein as well as several important minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium. If that weren’t enough it’s also full of vitamins.
Taking Spirulina regularly would probably be a good supplement for anyone to take, but certainly for someone like me who needs to boost the amount of nutrients they take in Spirulina seems like it would be a beneficial supplement to take regularly.
If you’re interested in learning more about this wonderful microalgae you should visit the Spirulina For Nutrition page. The page explains in detail exactly what Spirulina is, it’s history of use, how it can be used as a supplement for birds and fish, and it’s health benefits.
The health benefits page lists a number of research studies that have been done with Spriulina in recent years and their findings. Some studies have shown that it might be helpful with inflammatory conditions, diabetes, high cholesterol, and oral cancers, but it’s clear that more studies are warranted before scientists will fully back these results.
I think it’s worth trying. Spirulina can be purchased in capsule, tablet and even powdered form. I’ll probably try the capsules. If I do give it a try I’ll report back a month after starting the Spirulina supplements and let you know if I’ve had any improvements.