I think I generally try to eat healthy. By this I mean I try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables – organic if possible and since I live in a cold climate if the season allows I try to buy food items that are grown locally as well. I feel food that hasn’t traveled for a thousand miles likely is fresher. Don’t you?
That’s one of the reasons why I love the Spring, Summer and early Autumn Seasons here. There’s always fresh fruit and vegetables and each season has it’s stars. For example I love getting fresh corn in late July or August. At this time of year I enjoy fresh strawberries, leafy greens and young carrots.
Just as the information in this picture suggests I definitely flex my green thumb. Anyone who reads this blog semi regularly already knows that! I grow quite a few flowers in my front and backyards but I also grow some fruit and vegetables. I grow lettuce, spinach, peas, cucumber, tomatoes, tiny tom tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries. I was just noticing the other day that my Tiny Tom tomatoes have several green tomatoes on the plants so it won’t be long before I can add some home grown small tomatoes to my salads or simply pop one of those delicious sweet tomatoes into my mouth. Some of my strawberries have ripened as well.
Do you go out to local Farmers Markets to get fresh fruits and vegetables or grow some of your own in your backyard like I do? If you shop in the grocery store do you try to buy locally grown produce? Don’t you find fruits and veggies just taste better at this time of year?