Yesterday Chris had the day off and we decided to go out and run some errands. He’d already run some errands of his own, see my next post!
I had some cheques that I hadn’t gotten around to depositing in the bank – ones from Google, Text Links Ads, Amazon, and we wanted to transfer some money from a new bank account that we’d started just for our paypal money into our regular accounts. So one of the errands was to do our banking.
It felt good putting that money in the bank and moving the Paypal money around. We’ve both been earning money with Payperp0st but we really haven’t used it for anything yet. Well, now it’s moved into the bank accounts that we pay our bills and our mortgage with, so I can finally say that P is paying my mortgage! Yeah! Believe me, that’s a nice feeling!
After that we wanted to just get a few things in the grocery store and maybe go to Walmart to get one or two things that we needed.
Well, we went to the closest Walmart and found it in CHAOS! You see, this store is closing down and moving to a new superstore Walmart just down the street on Wednesday.
We managed to get some great deals!
I spotted a 25 piece ratchet set (I think that’s what it is). Chris has always wanted one of those, and I remember helping him change our car battery last January in the freezing cold with tools that just didn’t fit right, so I had no problem with him wanting to get a set. The set was regularly $49.95 or something to that effect, but they marked it down to $25 for us.
Then I spotted one of those exercise BalanceBall kits. It too had normally been priced at $49.95 but the sign above it said $29.95. I thought that was fair. I’ve wanted one of these exercise balls for well over a year. The assistant manager was in the area marking down prices on each item. Apparently they had to be tagged before you brought them to the cashier. When I showed her my find she marked it at $15. DEAL! However, when I got to the cash they only charged me $5! Bonus!
We found a few other things that we could use that were also marked down quite a bit, but I’d say that getting the ratchet set and the balanceball which normally would have cost over $100 for only $30 was the best deal of all.
Oh I almost forgot. We got one other deal. When I got to the cashier I noticed that they had a number of potted flowering bulbs for sale. I think all of them were daffodils, and they were already flowering so they really weren’t worth purchasing.
Then I spotted one lone Orchid among the daffodils. Orchids are very nice, very exotic flowers. I already have three of them here at home but they are sooooo nice.
I held on to it and when we got to the cashier I asked her how much it was. She had to call for a price check and the manager had to come and help over-ride the prices on our other great deals anyway. It turns out that the orchid, which I know from seeing them at many other stores that sell plants are normally about $30 each, was just $5.00! A final bonus!
The orchid is now sitting on my kitchen table, blooming it’s pretty little head off. I love it.
Maybe this weekend we’ll go to the new superstore Walmart and see if they have any great grand opening deals.