My husband Chris hasn’t been getting very many shifts lately. He works as a porter at the same hospital that I work at, but his job is only part time. He used to get a lot of shifts at least four a week, sometimes six or seven. Lately he’s only been averaging two shifts a week.
We could handle his fluctuating shifts when I was working, but now that I’ve been off sick for so long and have no income of my own coming in, we are really feeling his lack of shifts. So he’s been applying to a lot of hospitals in the area for portering or other similar positions, and he’s also been keeping an eye on the job boards at work.
He recently found two jobs worth applying for at work – one is an OR attendant and the other is an Ultrasound Attendant. Both jobs will have a lot of shifts and a better possibility of the positions becoming full time. Did I tell you that it can be very hard to get a full time position in the hospital? (unless you are a nurse like me of course).
He has an interview for the OR attendant position next Wednesday and hopefully he’ll be called for an interview for the Ultrasound position too. So wish him luck!
If he has to change jobs I hope that he can get a better one at the hospital that we both currently work in. It’s so convenient. We only live a few blocks from the hospital so we can walk to work. It’s wonderful.