Tomorrow I’m going to the hospital to have my Thyroid biopsy. I’m starting to get a little nervous. I know it’s not that bad, I’ve been through this before, in 1990 I think it was and while the biopsy (needles in the neck!) went ok and I didn’t really have any pain afterwords that I remember the results weren’t good.
It was only a few days after that first biopsy that I got a call from the doctor stating that she’d made an appointment with a surgeon for the next day and that I’d need to have part of my thyroid removed because the biopsy of the thyroid tumor showed that it was made up of pre-cancerous cells.
So …. having been through all that once before, including surgery to remove half my thyroid, I’m kind of thinking that the solid nodules that have grown in my remaining thyroid will end up having bad cells in them again now too. Which of course means more surgery.
I’m of mixed emotions tonight because of what I’ve explained above. Part of me would prefer to either not have the biopsy or at least delay it for another week, but then I’m also glad that it’s tomorrow, mostly because my Crohn’s is flaring really bad since I had to stop my Pentasa last week for the test, and once the biopsy is done I should be able to start taking my meds again and hopefully I’ll be feeling better again in a few days.
Speaking of the no meds Crohn’s flare I’m going through … it’s horrible. it’s as if I’ve taken a colon cleanser like Colonix and I’m experiencing the worst side effects like stomach cramps and frequent trips to the bathroom.
I haven’t even been able to eat properly the last couple of days. My stomach just hurts too much on regular food.
So yeah, I want the biopsy to be over so that my stomach pain can get better (ie start taking my meds again), but I’m worried that the results will mean I’ll be having surgery to remove the remaining portion of my thyroid soon, which sucks!