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This weeks theme is LONG
I’ve had a very LONG day with this little cutie. As I said in an earlier post we had to take Midnight to the vet last night for the third time in two weeks.
It seems that I have a very sick puppy on my hands. She’s still active and alert, drinking and eating, but she’s a little sleepier than normal and of course she has the runs. BAD. Adding rice to her diet and the Pepto Bismal that the vet said I could give her – that I gave Friday evening, doesn’t seem to have done a thing to slow the passage of food through her system.
My Crohn’s is now acting up again as well. Probably due to a severe lack of sleep in the last two weeks thanks to my sick little puppy who’s nickname is now Squirt. (no that’s not a pun, it’s a reality!)
I know I’ve probably been talking a little too much about our new pup on this blog, but I’m so worried about her.