I truly believe you guys are trying to drive me mad. Do you know how much I stress over choosing a renter? Every time I put my site up for rent I wait until the middle of the night before I torture myself with making a decision. Of course, since I usually wait until at least 12 hours have passed from the time I started the rental offer I seem to end up with 10 + bidders each time. That makes it even harder. What makes it really bad is that I currently have two sites that I put up for rent so I put myself through this twice a week! Arggh.
15 bidder this time round!
I took my time rating each site that had made a bid, but when I saw Pointless Drivel I think I knew that I would ultimately pick the fabulous Mr. Fab to be my roomie this week. Now lately, when faced with an overwhelming amount of bidders I’ve either chosen the site that bid first or whichever site appeared to be younger than the rest or in need of some promotion. If I had done that this time round I certainly would have picked Evolution of Gina as it is the youngest site. Gina and all the rest, please forgive me and bid again. I just had to go with one of my fav’s this week. Sorry!
Pointless Drivel has quickly become one of my favorite sites to visit daily. Why? Well because you just never know what the heck Mr. Fab might be talking about that day and you just have to know, that’s why.
His audio posts reading out his dramatic versions of popular songs are hilarious. As are his posts about his fascination with lemurs and by-products of lemurs, virtual sisters, co-workers, outings with his wife. You name it, whatever is happening Mr. Fab has something interesting to say. I won’t even go into his posts about his body parts (nipples for one!) or the ones about being a metro-sexual. You’ll just have to find them and have a good laugh when you do.
Now to spread some love, if you have the time, after you’ve visited my newly chosen renter of course, why don’t you take some time and visit these wonderful sites:
Luka’s Incogbl0go – A personal site about the owners day to day life. One of the things that I like best about this site- other than the owner herself who seems to be a very nice person – is that she opens up her site to others on the last Friday of every month so that people can come on and write guest posts. It’s a fantastic idea.
Modern Princess – A well written site that contains stories about the owners family life, kids, general observations and some absolutely fantastic sounding recipes. Her latest post is a recipe for stuffed and roasted strawberries that sounds wonderful. Oh they have chocolate in them, even better. Yum!
Adventures in Cyberia – Interesting site! The creator has built this site by creating alter egos of real life bl0ggers using sims2. It’s like a soap opera or day time drama. Check it out.
Scooter McGavin’s 9th Green – Scooters currently renting on my other site Odd Planet right now. If I didn’t choose him for that site this week I probably would have picked him to rent here this time around. He’s a persistent guy! Bids just about every time I tell ya. He does discuss popular television shows, Movies and new music on his site. He’s currently rating the best of Prince. I must admit that I think Prince is a talented artist so this was an interesting read for me.
Backyardigans Fan – Well, I have to admit, as a person without children, I had no idea what the backyardigans were until I looked at this site. If you are a parent with young children who enjoy the backyardigans or if you are a fan yourself then this site is for you as it’s everything backyardigan.
Utenzi – This popular site has great writing. Utenzi talks about life, day to day goings on, discusses products, software, movies – well a whole variety of things! It also appears that he’s a kayaker, which is something I’ve never tried, but since I love canoeing and whitewater rafting too he must be a good guy. He does wonderful write ups on his renters and some of his bidders too. Seems like an all round great person and his site is a worthy read.
Green – Great site. I’m still trying to figure out why it’s called green? She also has one called Purple. I enjoyed her recent rant post about people rubbernecking and gawping. Yes that’s a word. Go see!
Meltwater. Torrents. Meanderings. Delta. – For a guy who’s just injured himself badly and ended up separating his shoulder he’s sure pumping out the posts this week. Must take him forever, but he’s doing it. Matt’s latest post is a beautiful photograph that you just have to see. It’s breath taking. Matt’s site is another one that I read regularly. He writes on a wide range of topics from humor to nature, to observations about society. Always a good read.
Useless Advice from Useless Men – The useless men are at it again. You have to visit this site. People write to them, asking them a question that they long for an answer to and the useless men give their advice, often with hilarious results. I love visiting this site as it always makes me laugh.
Just Jill – This site is new to me, although it appears to have been around for a while. I really enjoyed one of her recent posts where she talked about who she was 10 years ago and the changes that have taken place in life since that time. This site is worth keeping an eye on.
Long, Slow, Beautiful Dance – I like this site. The posts are fresh and interesting. Laci was in a car accident earlier this week and now she’s lamenting about the joys of living without a car while hers is in the shop being fixed. Take a peek.
Evolution of Gina – This appears to be a brand new site started near the end of May. I’ve never seen Gina’s site before but I’m pretty sure that I’ll be going back for a visit now and then. She’s living in a small town and making her way in life. She’s written a few poems and talks about her life and the people in it and of course discusses some of the joys of living in a small town. Check it out.
The Invisible Bl0gger – This site is fairly new to me but it’s quickly gaining my attention. I enjoy the writing style. This southern lady seems honest and puts herself out there for others to see who she really is. She has a wonderful post about being from the south and it made me laugh. I think you’ll enjoy it too.
Dr. Wickidy – An entertaining site about the adventures of Dr. Wickidy in his wacky world. Each post is another adventure in the on going story of Dr. Wickidy. Readers get to participate by voting on what might happen next. It’s a fun site that should make you laugh.