It’s Doctor Moms last day here. I’m so sad, she’s been a great roomie and we’ve had a lot of fun visiting with each other. I’m hoping that all of my visitors have gone over to visit with her too. You can still vote for the Idiot of the week. Look over her last few posts to rate the Idiot selection and then select one to vote for. She’ll announce the winner on Monday. Go on, go vote.
I thought that I’d show you a couple of the flowering plants that I grow in my front garden bed, and in our planted boulevard.
The flowerbeds at the front of our house were more of an after thought after we finished putting in raised flower beds with interlocking easy stone, and installed a patio in the backyard. We used some of the left over stones to create raised beds in the front.
The backyard garden was supposed to be our delightfully special garden, but the front has become a rival to it as it’s matured.
Here’s a photo of Autumn Joy Sedum.
This plant starts out looking like a green succulent, but usually by the end of July the flower stalks begin to grow. As the flower buds develop the heads of the flower stalks are green at first, then they become a whitish colour. Personally I think they look a bit like cauliflower at this point. By the end of August the blossoms to be are turning a nice pink and the bees are starting to notice them. In fact they are often covered in bees.
By mid-September all of the tiny flower buds begin to open and they go from pink to this very pretty magenta colour. This colour will darken as the days get cooler. By the end of October the flowers will be finished and will have dried out. I think that they look sort of ornamental around this time when they are dried out, sort of like dried flowers – beige in colour but still interesting.
A few of the sunflowers that I grow in my front Boulevard Garden bed:
Mr. Fab seems to think I’m freakishly tall (I’m not, I’m only 5′ 10 1/2″), but if he saw my sunflowers he’d realize that they are the ones that are freakishly tall. Some of them must be 14 or more feet tall.
We planted our front boulevard flower bed with Siberian Iris’, Salvia, marigolds, alysium, dahlia’s, daylilies, delphinium, malva, cosmos, peonies, spring bulbs, four types of sunflowers, and we have a Morning Glory vine growing on the “No Parking Sign” that’s in the boulevard flower bed.
From April until at least the end of October there is always something blooming in that flower bed. We planted it more for our neighbors enjoyment than our own, and they all seem to love it. Plus, we are the only ones with a planted boulevard for several blocks, so our house is very easy to find if a friend or relative is trying to find it.
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