Ok Spring I’m ready and waiting for you … where are you? Oh sure, we’ve had a taste of Spring this week with above normal temperatures, but true Spring is still a bit away. I’m tired of waiting!
Oh well … at least it won’t be all that long before I start to see beauties like these lovely purple fringed tulips coming up in my garden …
Aren’t they gorgeous? These are truly one of my favorite tulips that I grow.
Another spring beauty is the Chionodoxa. They produce lovely small flowers and each year the bulbs seem to spread beneath the soil so the clumps of Chionodoxa that I grow get larger and larger.
I have pink, blue, white and purple Chionodoxa in both the front and back flower beds. If I didn’t grow so many other lovely flowers I’d almost be happy enough to have these fill my flower beds each spring.
Speaking of Spring … for those of you in North America – remember it’s day light savings time! So don’t forget to set your clocks an hour ahead or else you might end up being late for work on Monday! Oh and it’s also a great time to check your fire alarm batteries!