I’ve been listed on the Bl0gging Chicks Bl0groll for about a month and a half now and I noticed an increase in my traffic since joining the roll. I think it’s about time that I gave something back and made a post about Bl0gging Chicks.
Michelle is one of the creators/ collaborators on the bl0gging chicks website and from what I can tell the chief adder of new sites to the roll. She even added people during her vacation! She’s come up with a wonderful idea that everyone on the Bl0gger Chicks bl0groll can participate in, in order to promote their site and as a way of promoting a recent post that each participant is proud of creating.
Every Sunday a Carnival of The Bl0gging Chicks will be held. If you are listed on the Bl0gging Chicks roll you can submit the url for one of your recent posts along with a summary of said post, and Michelle will list it in the Carnival of Bl0gging Chicks post each Sunday.
Between the roll itself and now the Sunday Carnival this is a wonderful way for bl0gging women to get some extra traffic to their sites and to promote posts that they want the world to see. Why don’t you join the roll and start promoting your site through this wonderful venue.